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Film Submissions

Film, audio and video are powerful tools of expression for engaging an audience in multiple senses. Here are the video submissions from artists.

Story Maps

GIS and LiDAR Story Maps are an incredible way to merge art and science to communicate a message. Below are two Story Map submissions that tell stories from different parts of the world.

Ngā Kaupapa o Te Kaiwharawhara
By Justin Gulino

​Justin Gulino tells the story of the Kaiwharahwhara catchment from its headwaters to its mouth. Along this journey the kaiwharahwhara ecological, cultural, and recreational values are revealed; showcasing a thriving ecosystem in the heart of New Zealand’s capital.

The Monarch's Journey
By Dori Rathmell 

On July 21st, 2022, the IUCN officially added the Monarch Butterfly to the Red List of Threatened Species as Endangered. 

Over the years our iLCP photographers have documented the entire life cycle and incredible migration pattern of monarch butterflies. Explore our new Storymap to learn more about these amazing insects and their conservation status.

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